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Le Camping est complet pour la période du 81ème anniversaire du débarquement (D-Day 2025)


Accueil » Sainte-Mère-Église

Sainte-Mère-Église is the first town in France to be liberated from German occupation during World War II.

This peaceful village saw its history change on the morning of June 6, 1944 when American paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne liberated the village under German occupation. Sainte Mère-Église pays homage each year to its liberators, including John Steele, the famous parachutist, who remained hanging on the bell tower.

Recognition is everywhere in the city. Numerous plaques and monuments are erected in tribute to the liberators as well as terminal 0 in front of the town hall, symbol of the starting point of the road to freedom. Two of the church’s stained glass windows were donated in remembrance of the liberation.

In 1962, the theatrical release of the film “The Longest Day” actively contributed to the celebrity of the village. Visitors interested in the history of this city and our country should visit the site of La Fière, a few kilometers from the town, where they will find an orientation table and the remarkable statue of Iron Mike. Each year, at the beginning of June, the D-Day anniversary is organized with festivities, commemorations, important parades and parachute jumps on the site of La Fière to pay tribute to our liberators.